WinAPE Assembler Z80 Support

Z80 Registers

The assembler supports all standard Z80 8 bit registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L and special 8 bit registers I and R. It also supports all standard Z80 16 bit registers AF, BC, DE, HL and SP and index registers IX and IY. For one instruction EX AF,AF' the alternate AF' register is also supported.

WinAPE also supports the undocumented use of the 8 bit portions of the IX and IY registers, these registers may be entered as HX or IXh, LX or IXl, HY or IYh and LY or IYl. References below will use the first versions (HX, LX, HY and LY) although they apply equally to the alternate version.

Z80 Conditions

The assembler supports all Z80 conditions NZ, Z, NC, C, PO, PE, P and M.

Z80 Instructions

All the standard Z80 instructions are supported with some additional support for undocumented instructions or register usage. The following table lists all Z80 instructions supported. The assembler is NOT case-sensitive.

ADC A,r1 Add with Carry (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
ADC A,n1 n is a byte
ADC A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
ADC A,(IY + d)1,2
ADC HL,ss(ss = BC, DE, HL or SP)
ADD A,r1 Add (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
ADD A,n1 n is a byte
ADD A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
ADD A,(IY + d)1,2
ADD HL,ss(ss = BC, DE, HL or SP)
ADD IX,pp(pp = BC, DE, IX or SP)
ADD IY,rr(pp = BC, DE, IY or SP)
AND A,r1 (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
AND A,n1 n is a byte
AND A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
AND A,(IY + d)1,2
BIT b,rTest Bit b (b = 0 .. 7, r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
BIT b,(HL)
BIT b,(IX + d)2
BIT b,(IY + d)2
CALL nnCall Subroutine at nn
CALL cc,nnCall on Condition (cc = NZ, Z, NC, C, PO, PE, P or M)
CCFComplement Carry Flag
CP A,r1Compare (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
CP A,n1 n is a byte
CP A,(HL)1
CP A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
CP A,(IY + d)1,2
CPDCompare with Decrement
CPICompare with Increment
CPLComplement Accumulator
DAADecimal Adjust Accumulator
DEC rDecrement (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
DEC (IX + d)2
DEC (IX + d)2
DEC ss(ss = BC, DE, HL, SP, IX or IY)
DIDisable Interrupts
EIEnable Interrupts
EX DE,HLCan also be written as EX HL,DE
IM 0Interrupt Mode 0
IM 1Interrupt Mode 1
IM 2Interrupt Mode 2
IN A,(n)Input from Port n. The A register is used for the top 8 bits of the address bus.
IN r,(C)Input from Port BC (r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
INC rIncrement (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
INC (IX + d)2
INC (IX + d)2
INC ss(ss = BC, DE, HL, SP, IX or IY)
INDInput with Decrement
INIInput with Increment
JP nnJump to Address nn
JP cc,nnJump on Condition (cc = NZ, Z, NC, C, PO, PE, P or M)
JP (HL)Jump to HL
JP (IX)Jump to IX
JP (IY)Jump to IY
JR e5 Jump Relative, calculated address must be within -126 to +130 of instruction address.
JR ss,e5 (ss = NZ, Z, NC or C)
LD r,r'3 Load register (r/r' = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
LD r,nLoad register (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
LD r,(HL)(r = A, B, C, D, E, H or L)
LD r,(IX + d)2 (r = A, B, C, D, E, H or L)
LD r,(IY + d)2 (r = A, B, C, D, E, H or L)
LD (HL),r(r = A, B, C, D, E, H or L)
LD (IX + d),r2 (r = A, B, C, D, E, H or L)
LD (IY + d),r2 (r = A, B, C, D, E, H or L)
LD (HL),n
LD (IX + d),n2
LD (IY + d),n2
LD A,(nn)
LD (nn),A
LD dd,nn(dd = BC, DE, HL, SP, IX or IY)
LD dd,(nn)(dd = BC, DE, HL, SP, IX or IY)
LD (nn),dd(dd = BC, DE, HL, SP, IX or IY)
LDDLoad with Decrement
LDILoad with Increment
NEGNegate Accumulator
NOPNo Operation
OR A,r1 (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
OR A,n1 n is a byte
OR A,(HL)1
OR A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
OR A,(IY + d)1,2
OTDRRepeated Output with Decrement
OTIRRepeated Output with Increment
OUT (n),AOutput to Port n. The A register is used for the top 8 bits of the address bus.
OUT (C),rOutput to Port BC (r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
OUTDOutput with Decrement
OUTIOutput with Increment
POP qq(qq = BC, DE, HL, AF, IX or IY)
PUSH qq(qq = BC, DE, HL, AF, IX or IY)
RES b,rReset Bit b (b = 0 .. 7, r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
RES b,(HL)
RES b,(IX + d)2
RES b,(IY + d)2
RETReturn from Subroutine
RET ccReturn if Condition met (cc = NZ, Z, NC, C, PO, PE, P or M)
RETIReturn from Interrupt
RETNReturn from Non-maskable Interrupt
RLARotate Left Accumulator (through Carry)
RL r(r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
RL (IX + d)2
RL (IY + d)2
RLCARotate Left Accumulator, copy bit 7 to Carry
RLC r(r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
RLC (IX + d)2
RLC (IY + d)2
RLDRotate Left BCD
RRARotate Right Accumulator (through Carry)
RRCARotate Right Accumulator, copy bit 0 to Carry
RRC r(r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
RRC (IX + d)2
RRC (IY + d)2
RRDRotate Right BCD
RST p6 Call Subroutine (Restart) (p = 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 or 48)
RST p,nn6 Equivalent to RST p:DW nn
SBC A,r1 Subtract with Carry (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
SBC A,n1 n is a byte
SBC A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
SBC A,(IY + d)1,2
SBC HL,ss(ss = BC, DE, HL or SP)
SCFSet Carry Flag
SET b,rSet Bit b (b = 0 .. 7, r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
SET b,(HL)
SET b,(IX + d)2
SET b,(IY + d)2
SLA rShift Left Arithmetic (r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
SLA (IX + d)2
SLA (IY + d)2
SLL r4 Shift Left and set bit 0 (r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
SLL (IX + d)2,4
SLL (IY + d)2,4
SRA rShift Right Arithmetic (r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
SRA (IX + d)2
SRA (IY + d)2
SRL rShift Right Logical (r = B, C, D, E, H, L or A)
SRL (IX + d)2
SRL (IY + d)2
SUB A,r1 Subtract (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
SUB A,n1 n is a byte
SUB A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
SUB A,(IY + d)1,2
XOR A,r1 (r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, HX, HY, LX or LY)
XOR A,n1 n is a byte
XOR A,(IX + d)1,2 d is signed displacement
XOR A,(IY + d)1,2

1 Indicates that an alternative short format is available without the A, eg. ADC H is the short version of ADC A,H
2 Indicates a displacement ranging from -128 to +127. The assembler accepts (IX + d), (IX + -d) or (IX - d), similarly for IY. eg. LD B,(IY - 5)
3 Load instructions using HX or LX cannot use H, L, HY or LY as the other register. Similarly, Load instructions using HY or LY cannot use H, L, HX or LX.
4 Indicates an undocumented instruction.
5 The relative address is calculated by the assembler from the supplied absolute address. If the value is outside the range -128 to 127 from the current instruction address plus the two bytes offset fetched by the Z80, the assembler will produce an error.
6 The restart instruction can also use the values 0 to 7 which are multiplied by 8, so RST n is equivalent to RST p where p = n * 8 (n >= 0 and n <= 7). eg. RST 3 is the same as RST #18