
The Pokes windows allows you to easily enter cheats or pokes for your favourite games. WinAPE can automatically detect the current running game and will provide you with a list of valid pokes for that game. Click on the game in the top section, and the Poke in the bottom section, then click the Poke button to patch the current running game.

Using this interface you can also enter new cheats for games as you find them, if you're an expert Z80 debugger.

Running Game uses a region of memory selected for each game to detect which game is currently running.

To add a new game, or edit a game click the top Add or Edit button, and you will be presented with the Game Editing screen.

With a game selected in the top list, to add a new poke, or edit a poke for that game, click the Add or Edit button in the bottom section and you will be presented with the Poke Editing screen.