Contribute to WinAPE

WinAPE is provided free of charge, but a lot of time and effort goes into it's development. It's always nice to receive good feedback, and that's what keeps me going with the project. I often have to take time off from other paying projects to find the time these days, so if you're feeling generous, a little contribution would be much appreciated.


WinAPE : Work In Progress10 April 2002


CRTC Type 0,1 and 3 (ASIC) is now about 99% accurate. There are only two demos I know of with emulation problems.

ZIP File Support

Now implemented in Version 2.0 Alpha 6. WinAPE can now read Disc images, ROM images, Catridges, Snapshots and Tape images from archives in many formats.

Tape Emulation

Implemented full support for TZX and CDT tape file formats. In 2.0 Alpha 4.

Automatic Version Detection

Implemented code to auto-detect and install a new version if available. In 2.0 Alpha 4.

Enhanced Disc Image Support

Implemented in 2.0 Alpha 10. Full Disc Editor with drag and drop explorer functionality, sector editor etc.

CPC-Topsites WinAPE © Richard Wilson 1994-2015.
Web Site by Malc Jennings 2003 and Richard Wilson.